atWhat clients say?
Nullam velit commodo sem, at egestas nulla metus vel imperdiet aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra mattis nulla eleifend magna, eget dictum urna to lorem gravida quis. Nulla facilisi. Mauris et dictum ante. Praesent rutrum velit eget quam elit dui, congue eu ornare vel, mattis sed eros at mattis ipsum.
I am truly grateful to Talking SENse! for meeting with me ‘out-of-hours’ both at home and at times at my place of work. As a working mum this service has been invaluable to me. I’ll certainly be recommending you to other parents at my son’s school
I recommend everyone to use Talking SENse! as I want people to have the close support we did. Families need one to one. They need fully trained and up-to-date services that not only advise but advocate too. An independent service is imperative to gain the knowledge a family needs to get exactly the provisions their child is entitled too. Talking SENse! is run by a man, and his committee who go above and beyond their job title.
Thank you so much Ken and Talking SENse for your time and patience! Because my reading and writing my not be right, you helped me write my reports for the assessment and statement process for my son. I will definitely be in touch when I get the draft statement and have already recommended your service to my friends.