Appeals to the Special Educational Needs & Disability Tribunal

When the local authority makes certain decisions about the education or training of children and young people, there is a right of appeal to an independent tribunal known as the Special Educational Needs & Disability Tribunal.

Parents can appeal the following local authority decisions:

  • Refusal to carry out an EHC needs assessment (and refusal to reassess)
  • Refusal to issue an EHCP
  • Refusal to amend an EHCP following an annual review or reassessment
  • Cease to maintain an EHCP

Parents can also appeal certain contents of the EHCP including:

  • Section B – the description of the child or young person’s special educational needs
  • Section F – the special educational provision required to meet the needs
  • Section I – the type and name of the educational setting and, if no school or setting is named

Our advocates have extensive experience in this field; they can:

  • Provide information, advice and support to parents who want to run their own appeal
  • Manage the appeal process for parents: – we will prepare and submit the application for appeal, identify suitable witnesses, submit evidence, prepare the working document, liaise with the local authority and the Tribunal, represent parents at the tribunal hearing.


% Current Tribunal Success Rate

